Saturday, November 30, 2013

Cecilia Cheung's second son's BaZi

Analysis of Cecilia Cheung's second son's BaZi

Recently Cecilia Cheung, the wife of Hong Kong's movie star Nicholas Tse, gave birth to her second son. The baby was delivered by caesarean birth on May 12, 2010 at 8.45pm. Rumour has it that the date and hour for caesarean birth were specially chosen. It is interesting to examine the bazi since the birth date and time were specially chosen. The bazi and luck cycle of the baby are shown below.

Bazi Analysis

According to the baby's bazi, the baby is a weak Yang Water person. The bazi has all the 5 five elements, Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal, which denote the various aspects in his life. There are 3 Metal elements in the stems. The Wood (Tiger) element is in the year branch, the Fire (Snake) element in the month branch, and the Earth (Dog) element is in the day and hour branch.

The bazi indicates that he has few friends, he is likely to be a private person or a loner. He is also a person of strong character. He is close to his mother, guardians and children. The bazi also indicates that he is blessed throughout his life because the people around and close to him are his guardian angels. They will support and nurture him. His talent will be nurtured in his early years and he will make his wealth from his talent. His wife is domineering but a nurturing mother to his children. He will attain wealth, status and happy marriage. He is also blessed because his life journey is smooth as talent, wealth, status all appear at appropriate periods in his life. Let look at the individual pillars in the bazi and appreciate why they were 'designed' this way.

The Year Pillar (0 to 19 years)

In the year pillar you have the Yang Metal element and Tiger (Wood) element. For Yang Water person, Yang Metal element denotes his guardians and Wood element denotes his talent. The appearance of Wood element in the year pillar indicates that he is hardworking and will display his talent during his growing up years.

The 2 elements in the year pillar are in a clash relationship (Metal clashes Wood) but the clash relationship is favourable because it involves the favourable element (Metal) controlling the unfavourable element (Wood). This indicates that his guardians will look after him and nurture his talent in his growing up years.

The analysis shows that it is good for the bazi to have resource element and talent element in the year pillar because you want the child's talent to appear and be nurtured in the growing up years.

The Month Pillar (20 to 38 years)

In the month pillar you have the Yin Metal element and Snake (Fire) element. For Yang Water person, Yin Metal element denotes his mother and Fire element denotes his wealth and spouse.

The appearance of Fire element in month pillar indicates that he will get married and make his wealth during this period. Since the talent element is next to the wealth element, it is very likely that he will make his wealth from the talent that he has developed in his growing up years. As the wealth element is in the month branch, it indicates that his wealth will be strong and that he is mostly likely to get married.

The 2 elements in the month pillar are in a clash relationship (Fire clashes Metal). This clash relationship is not favourable as it involves the unfavourable element (Fire) controlling the favourable element (Metal). This can indicate a number of things. It can indicate an inharmonious relationship between the spouse and his mother. This can mean that the spouse may try to dominate his mother or is a difficult person for his mother. It can also indicate that he will become difficult towards his mother when he makes his wealth.

Despite this negative affliction of having the wealth (spouse) element in the month branch, it is nevertheless a good idea for the bazi to have the wealth element in the month branch. This is because this is the appropriate period for getting married and for making money. It is also good because the wealth element will be strong in the month branch and it also has the support of the talent element in the year pillar. Furthermore, wealth element in the month branch also means that he will bring good luck and fortune to parents, his parents will be wealthy and he will be brought up in a good family background.

The Day Pillar (39 to 57 years)

In the day pillar you have the Yang Water element and Dog (Earth) element. Since Yang Water element denotes him, Earth element will denote his children. The appearance of Earth element in day pillar indicates that his children may be born during this period. It also indicates that he may achieve fame and status during this period.

The 2 elements in the day pillar are in a cash relationship (Earth clashes Water). Since the 2 elements are his favourable elements, this clash relationship is not favourable as it involves one favourable element clashing another favourable element. Since the Earth element is located in the day branch which is the location for marriage, it indicates that the spouse may be domineering towards him.

The bazi shows that the marriage location is protected and is not involved in any clash relationship. This indicates that relationship with spouse is good and strong.

The analysis shows that it is good to have the Earth element in the day branch because the Fire element in the month branch will support it. This indicates a nurturing mother to the children. It is also good because the month pillar, which denotes parent palace, will support the day pillar. This indicates that the parents are supportive of him and his marriage.

The Hour Pillar (58 to 76 years)

In the hour pillar you have the Yang Metal element and Dog (Earth) element. For Yang Water person, Yang Metal element denotes his guardians and Earth element denotes his children, fame and status. The appearance of the Earth element in the hour pillar indicates that he will have fame and status in his old age.

The 2 elements in the hour pillar are in a supportive relationship (Earth produces Metal). Since the 2 elements are his favourable elements, it indicates that he will have supportive children and guardians to help him in his old age. It also indicates that his children will be good to him.

The analysis shows that it is good to have Yang Metal and Dog elements in the hour pillar as it enables the good cosmic energies to flow upwards to the self element from the branches.

Luck Cycle Analysis

In addition to examining the bazi, we also look at the luck cycle chart of the bazi to see if the chart is supportive of the bazi. We find that there are many favourable luck periods, shown in pink, in the luck cycle. This indicates a smooth journey in life.


The analysis shows that despite being born in a year and month that exhibit clash relationships, the quality of the bazi can be improved to a great extent by carefully choosing the day and hour for cesarean birth. Now that the bazi of the baby is determined, will he have a good life journey as described by his bazi? The only way to know for sure is keep track of the developments in his life. However, one thing for sure is that the baby will start off life with a good bazi. This is like starting off a journey with a good car on a good road.

The analysis shows that a good bazi cannot be obtained by simply choosing an auspicious day for cesarean birth. In fact you may have a higher chance of getting a bad bazi if you take this route. We decided to look up Dong Gong date selection out of curiosity to see what type of day is May 12, 2010. What we found is that May 12, 2010 is a very inauspicious day. If one were to use an auspicious date for the cesarean birth, you would never have gotten this good bazi!

At we provide Good Baby BaZi service. This service provides the dates and hours that have better BaZi for caesarean birth.

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