Saturday, November 30, 2013

16 Golden Fengshui Tips for choosing a Condo"

16 Golden Fengshui Tips for choosing a Condo"

1) Make sure the condominium project is not situated near a temple, church, burial site or mosque

2) Check to see if the roads are turning towards the condominium or are moving away from it. If
     roads move away, it means chi is being carried away by the cars and if roads move towards the
     condominium, then chi is being carried towards them.

3) Do not stay too close to a highway or a flyover. The noise created by the highway causes shar chi
    (negative energy) but the highway has something positive which is the yang energy. That is why in
     something negative there is always also something positive. The Ying and the Yang has to come
4) Observe where the swimming pool and other smaller pools are located. There should be no water
    found in the western side of your flat if not, it can cause you to loose money. The swimming pool
    should ideally be located in the eastern part of your apartment. These are for the period from 1984
    to 2003. Yes, fengshui changes every twenty years and this period is also populary known as "the
    age of seven".
5) Look for sheng chi (positive energy) and sha chi (negative energy). Sheng chi means something
    beautiful while shar chi means something not beautiful. What then would consititute beautiful
    would be a beautiful garden that has grasses that are green in colour and with flowers and not
    yellow grasses and whithered flowers.
6) Choose the middle floors. They are the best. That is fr    om level 4 to level 17. Apartments too
     low tend to have stale chi and the wind are usually not very strong. Hence wealth would be slow
     Apartments too high will usually have strong winds and the chi in the apartments would all be
     dispersed by the strong winds leaving nothing behind. Hence people staying in those flats would
     not be able to save money.
     Middle floors are the best but there is no hard and fast rule that it must be from level 4 to 17. What
     we want is for the wind to be gentle and breezy such that chi will be able to stay in the apartments
     longer than necessary so that wealth would be able to come in.
7) Higher floors are to be avoided as the wind is so strong that it disperses chi. If chi cannot stay, then
     a flat cannot be any good unless you consult a fengshui master to help you capture that chi.
8) If the sales person tells you that the door faces the north or south, do not assume it is a good house.
    It may not have good fengshui if it is actually facing the north-west or south-east. Remember that
    the facing need not necessary be taken as where the main door is. It is stated in an old ancient
    chinese book that "the facing need not be the main door." Hence it would be up to anyone to
    interpret what this actually means. So if you have a good teacher to train you in fengshui, you
    would be an expert in this field by now.
9) Watch out for any lampposts facing your main door. The lamp post is a fire element and we would
     use metal or water to counteract the fire element. Now is the time for the Geomancer to decide
     which element to use to counteract this lamp post. If water is used, then usually water tank or a
     water fountain can be suggested. Or if a metal is used then what is the best use of a metal
     element ? the sound of metal is the strongest use of metal. Hence a metal windchime made of 6 or
     7 hollow or solid rods will be suggested. This is the reason why metal windchimes are the best
     rather than using a metal sculpture. Of course there are certain sectors that a metal windchime
     can never be hanged. If the Geomancer is well learned and trained she will know where.
10) Watch out for the closeness of the two blocks of flats opposite your main door. Chi rides on the
       wind will have to force themselves through such small narrow passges causing them to be sharp
       and piercing chi which will be extremely negative chi.
11) Look at where the MRT station is situated, as the chi carried by the train stops and accumulates
      here. Hence when the wind blows, it will blow the chi to all neighbouring flats or condo.
12) Do not buy a condominium unit because it is cheaper per square foot. An apartment with good
      fengshui is more important than the savings you will get. Fengshui affects our lives very much.
      It is only because most people are not aware of its virtues and applications and hence there
      were a lot of misconceptions about fengshui till today.
13) Do not choose a unit near a power station as you can develop serious illnesses if you stay too
      close to one for over a period of 10 years.
14) Do not choose a unit where there are sharp arrows or triangular shaped roofs pointing at your
       living room or bedrooms. This causes disagreements between the husband and the wife if the
       sharp arrows points at the master bedroom.
15) Choose the condominium colour that has your lucky colour, as in your 'Four Pillars of Destiny'.
      "Four Pillars of Destiny" is a form of life reading based on your birthday, time of birth and the
       country of birth. However some people may use the lunar calendar to calculate the four pillars
       while some uses the solar calendar. Therefore there will be differences in these calculations
       depending on who is reading your life.

16) Finally, choose a condominium unit that you feel very comfortable with upon first entering it if
      you are buying it at a resale. Our sixth sense is usually very accurate. If not then engage a
     Geomancer to help you pick one !

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